Today, on International Women’s Day, we are launching a brand-new Women in Table Tennis Facebook group!

The group’s aim is to be a community for women in table tennis and a platform to share experiences, ideas and promote women and girls’ participation in the sport.

Based on feedback, this group has been created as a women and girls only space online, and therefore we ask only people who identify with being female request to join the group. 

To join the group, we ask that you are over 16 years of age and commit to following the group rules to maintain a positive and safe environment for everyone involved.

Within the group will be Table Tennis England staff members who are passionate about increasing women and girls’ participation in table tennis and supporting our existing community of females.

It will also include key figures in the sport, such as our fantastic Women and Girls Ambassadors, who will act as leaders in the group, inspiring conversations and offering advice and guidance to its members.

Does this sound like a community you want to join? Click here!