The Level 3 Head Coach course is designed to support the area(s) a coach coaches within, such as Performance, Participation, Development and Club and will develop and master an array of cognitive and transferable skills alongside a complex blend of knowledge and theories.

With applications open for our Level 3 Head Coach qualification, we speak to current Head Coach, Kate Hughes, about why she decided to take the next step in her coaching career and what impact it has had.

What made you take the Level 3 course?

“I have completed my Level 2 course over 10 years ago, and had been interested in applying for the Level 3 course for a few years. The course had been re-written with new content, and I was interested in the practical content as well as the theory content, which was delivered by the University of Gloucestershire.”

How did you find the course? Which elements did you like the best, or you thought were most beneficial?

“I was part of the ‘Covid Cohort’ which meant the course took nearly 12 months longer than anticipated, however, I liked the balance between the theory and practical side of the course. The practical day (as part of the second weekend, was the best bit in terms of the application of purposeful practice into my coaching.”

How have you used the course since?

“I have tried to use the purposeful practice strategies as well as apply the theory content into my coaching on a more regular basis. Sharing experiences with other coaches has given me more ideas to use in my coaching practice.”

Would you recommend taking the course to someone currently at Level 2?

“I would recommend the Level 3 Head Coach course to someone who is currently a Level 2 Lead Coach. I would suggest talking to a few Level 3 coaches for them to share their thoughts and experiences of the course, as there is a commitment involved in the course to complete it fully.”

Thinking about taking your first step into table tennis coaching? Take a look at all of our courses, including our Level 1 coaching course here.