The second Bury Primary Schools Table Tennis festival took place at Bury Castle Leisure Centre on November 1. Gill Molloy, one of the School Games Organisers within Greater Manchester, was instrumental in planning, organising, and delivering the event.

Eight local Primary Schools attended the festival with four players from each school aged seven and eight – two boys and two girls. Young leaders from the local secondary school, Tottington High School, oversaw each skills activity.

Once again, the local table tennis club Ramsbottom TT Academy loaned their eight tables and barriers for the event. The young players firstly participated in a circuit of TT Kidz activities, moving along to have a go at each of the different fun games.

After this, the children then sat down to watch TTE Club Support Officer, ex-England No 1 Andrea Holt, and one of the teachers from the secondary school who used to play in the local leagues and national competitions, perform a table tennis demonstration on how to play table tennis and the different strokes.

The children then played some fun matches against the different schools. Having spoken to several of the teachers, they were excited and enthusiastic at continuing the opportunity for the youngsters to play back at school, on school desks, dining tables and even just in open spaces within their school halls, practising their new skills and games they had experienced playing.

Two of the children were awarded medals for their effort, determination, and team work on the day.

Working with local School Games organisers is the best way for any local clubs to connect with their local schools’ networks and to look to set up and establish local festivals/competitions for youngsters within the schools. If you are unsure on how to go about doing this from a club perspective, then do get in touch with your local Club Support Officer and we will try to help you to make these connections.