The stellar photography talents of Michael Loveder are well-known around the table tennis community – and now he has received recognition in a prestigious international competition.

Michael was awarded third place in the Sports and Games category of the EISA Maestro photo contest, having entered through Amateur Photographer magazine.

His album of eight photos included para stars Martin Perry and Bly Twomey in action at the European Para Championships earlier this season, Hannah Saunders competing at the Euro Minis and Grigory Vlasov playing at the London Grand Prix.

Click here to see Michael’s third-place-winning album.

Michael, who has been playing competitively for 51 years alongside his photography and regularly operates as official photographer at Table Tennis England competitions, was delighted with the recognition, which saw him placed third behind portfolios from the worlds of bareknuckle boxing and motorcycling.

He said: “I’ve been entering individual photos in competitions for a couple of years, but this is the first time I’ve entered a portfolio.

“With the competition being open to all sports, I wasn’t over optimistic, but I’m very pleased with the outcome of finishing third in a global, all-sports competition.”

Michael’s winning work will also be featured in the June 25th edition of Amateur Photographer.