General Meetings
An Annual General Meeting (AGM) is held once a year for all the Company Members of Table Tennis England. Other General Meetings are called as required.
Annual General Meeting
The Annual General Meeting (AGM) is a meeting held once a year for all the Company Members of Table Tennis England including the Board, County representatives, and League representatives. The Table Tennis England Articles of Association state that the meeting must be held in June or July every year.
The 2025 AGM will take place virtually on Wednesday July 9 at 6pm.
All Table Tennis England members are entitled to attend the AGM. Company Members* (or their proxies) can vote at the AGM.
During the meeting, the Financial Reports and Accounts are tabled. Any changes to Articles of the Company are also agreed.
Click here to visit the AGM archive section and download documents from the previous AGMs.
*You are a Company Member if you are a county representative company member or
a league representative company member or a director. All company members are
listed in the Electoral Register. The latest list can be found on the Elections and Voting
Webpage. If your name is not on the list and you think that it should be, please contact the Returning Officer on