Elections and voting
Information of the voting process for company members.
The voting process
In law Table Tennis England is a limited company, governed by the Companies Act 2006 and by its Articles of Association which are available on the website. These provide that each county association and local league is entitled to appoint a company member who (together with the directors) can vote:
- at general meetings
- for four Elected Directors
A weighted voting system is used. The weighting used for general meetings is different from the one used for electing directors. The two systems are described below.
General Meetings
An Annual General Meeting is held in June or July each year. Extraordinary General Meetings can also be held if the need arises.
Routine items are decided by a show of hands but for contentious matters a poll may be demanded. In a poll:
- A director receives one vote unit.
- A local league representative receives one vote unit for each player member in their league.
- A national councillor (as county representative) receives vote units equal to the sum of the vote units held by all the local leagues affiliated to their county association.
The Companies Act requires that some proposals (for example a proposal to amend the Articles) to achieve a 75% majority to pass.
Elected Directors
Five Elected Directors are chosen by ballot of company members and normally serve for four years.
Don Parker was elected in June 2020 and re-elected in June 2024, Ritchie Venner in May 2021, Jos Kelly in November 2022 and Sally Hughes in June 2023.
In these elections:
- A director receives one vote unit
- A national councillor (as county representative) receives one vote unit
- A representative of a local league with 30 or fewer teams receives two vote units
- A representative of a local league with 31-100 teams receives four vote units
- A representative of a local league with 101 or more teams receives six vote units.