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Safeguarding Codes of Conduct & Terms of Reference

Information on our Codes of Conduct and Safeguarding Case Management Terms of Reference.

TTEQMS Codes of Conduct Issue 3 (March 2024):

Table Tennis England (TTE) provides a series of tools for clubs, coaches, referees, players, volunteers and parents from grassroots to elite table tennis to ensure a safe, positive environment in which to enjoy the game where every individual is respected, valued and has the right to be protected from any form of abuse. 

These tools include agreed codes of conduct which have been proven through research to be a significant deterrent to poor behaviour.

Any breaches of these codes, including all complaints and allegations will be acted upon in accordance with the Table Tennis England Disciplinary Regulations and Safeguarding Disciplinary Regulations.

  1. Respect the rights, dignity and worth of everyone they meet in table tennis.
  2. Treat everyone equally regardless of age, disability, gender, ethnic origin, religion or belief, socio-economic status, marital status or civil partnership, pregnancy or maternity status, sexual orientation, or gender reassignment.
  3. Operate within the rules and spirit of table tennis and teaching anyone they come across in the sport to do the same.
  4. Follow the Safeguarding Guidelines and report any concerns they may have through the agreed process
  5. Report any injustices or abuse they may witness.
  6. Take responsibility for their actions and keep themselves safe.
  7. Be aware that bullying (verbal and physical) of anyone involved in our sport and use of inappropriate language will not be tolerated under any circumstances this includes inappropriate use of social media and texting.
  8. Never use or condone the use of foul, sexist, or racist language or any language that could cause offence including gestures at any time.
  9. Never do or say anything which brings TTE, any of its members or the sport into disrepute.
  10. Never swear at or use verbal abuse towards volunteers, officials, TTE staff or venue staff or fail to follow the operational directions of stewards or event staff at any TTE competition or event – this is not acceptable and will not be tolerated. Any instances will be taken extremely seriously and disciplinary sanctions will be pursued if necessary.
  11. Adhere to the Workforce Protection Policy
  12. Not consume alcohol, illegal substances, or smoke whilst in the venue hosting the event or immediately prior to arriving at the venue.
  13. Be compliant at all times with UK Anti-Doping rules and support players and other athlete support personnel to uphold clean sport.
  14. Report any concerns about any anti-doping violations to UKAD at the earliest opportunity.
  15. Be aware that any member of TTE who commits an act of misconduct relating to anti-doping but is not a violation of either the UK Anti-Doping Rules or the TTE ones may be subject to disciplinary proceedings for such misconduct and sanctioned accordingly.
  16. Be compliant at all times with TTE Anti-Doping Regulations and report any breaches of these to TTE at the earliest opportunity.
  17. Be bound by the UK Anti-Doping Rules and to submit to the authority of UK Anti-Doping and any other appropriate body in the application and enforcement of those Rules.
  18. Cooperate fully with any World Anti-Doping Code compliant anti-doping investigations or proceedings, whether conducted by UK Anti-Doping or any other competent body.
In addition:

Coaches will:

  1. Always put the players best interest at the centre of all that they do.
  2. Never coach juniors alone. Another responsible adult must always be available at the session. This can be a volunteer, parent, or club member.
  3. Always practise “hands off” coaching.
  4. Always demonstrate high standards of behaviour and appearance.
  5. Recognise their personal limitations and be prepared to pass players on to other coaches to ensure the continued development of the athlete.
  6. Hold a valid coach licence and keep up to date with the latest coaching practices.
  7. Provide a safe and secure training and playing environment which is public and open avoiding situations where they may be working alone and out of sight with individual players.
  8. Treat officials and opponents with respect when winning or losing and encourage their players to do the same.
  9. Respect any confidential information they may hold on players and not share with others unless the immediate welfare of the players may be compromised by not sharing.

Coaches will not:

  1. Ridicule, embarrass, bully or abuse players.
  2. Consume alcohol or illegal substances while working with players including whilst travelling.
  3. Smoke whilst working/participating in a table tennis environment.
  4. Use foul, sexist, or racist language or any language that could cause offence including gestures at any time.
  5. Criticise fellow coaches or professionals whether publicly, privately or through social media.
  6. Engage in any relationship of a sexual nature with a player for whom they are responsible.
  7. Use any form of physical contact with players.

Players will:

  1. Always do their best in every situation and set a positive example to others.
  2. Applaud any good performances and efforts from all individuals and teams.
  3. Do not take banned substances.
  4. Always address officials or coaches at any competitions or training camps with respect and never question their judgement
  5. Accept the decisions and rulings of the umpire and/or match or tournament official.

Technical Officials will:

  1. Always put players best interests at the centre of all they do.
  2. Ensure they understand all the relevant rules, duties and procedures for the competition at which they are officiating.
  3. Wear the appropriate uniform as dictated by Tournament Organisers Committee (TOC) and maintain their appearance, personal hygiene and arrive promptly.
  4. Maintain strict impartiality and avoid any relationship with players, coaches or families that could bring that into disrepute.
  5. Ensure the playing environment is safe and secure, also public and open avoiding situations where they may be alone and out of sight with individual players.
  6. Respect any confidential information of which they may be aware, or hold relating to players and not share with others unless the immediate welfare of the player may be compromised by not sharing.

Technical Officials will not:

  1. Consume alcohol, illegal substances, or smoke whilst in the venue hosting the event or immediately prior to arriving at the venue.
  2. Accept personal gifts from players, coaches, or teams.
  3. Publicly or privately criticise other officials or otherwise bring the sport into disrepute including the use of social media.

This Code of Conduct for Technical Officials must be read in conjunction with the Laws, Regulations and Policies of the ITTF and TTE.


The following policies and guidelines should be read in conjunction with this code:

To download a hard copy version of this policy, please use the link below.
