Safeguarding Codes of Conduct & Terms of Reference

Information on our Codes of Conduct and Safeguarding Case Management Terms of Reference.

TTEQMS Codes of Conduct Issue 4 (February 2025):

Table Tennis England (TTE) provides a series of tools for clubs, coaches, referees, players, volunteers and parents from grassroots to elite table tennis to ensure a safe, positive environment in which to enjoy the game where every individual is respected, valued and has the right to be protected from any form of abuse. 

These tools include agreed codes of conduct which have been proven through research to be a significant deterrent to poor behaviour.

Any breaches of these codes, including all complaints and allegations will be acted upon in accordance with the Table Tennis England Disciplinary Regulations and Safeguarding Disciplinary Regulations.

  1. Respect the rights, dignity and worth of everyone they meet through the sport of table tennis.
  2. Treat everyone equally in accordance with Level the Table Strategy[1].
  3. Operate within the rules and spirit of table tennis and acting as an exemplar, encouraging anyone they engage to do the same.
  4. Follow the Safeguarding Guidelines[1].
  5. Report any injustices or abuse they may witness.
  6. Assume responsibility for their actions and behaviour, whilst keeping safe and not exposing themselves to needless risk.
  7. Not bully (either verbally or physically) anyone involved in table tennis and not use any inappropriate language or communication (including virtual formats such as social media) about any individual, table tennis or TTE.
  8. Never do or say anything which brings TTE, any of its Affiliated Members or the sport into disrepute.
  9. Never swear, make derogatory comments or use verbal abuse towards volunteers, officials, TTE staff or venue staff or fail to follow the operational directions of stewards or event staff at any TTE competition or event.
  10. Adhere to the Workforce Protection Policy [1].
  11. Support players and other athlete support personnel to ensure a clean drug free sport.
  12. Report any concerns about any anti-doping violations to UKAD at the earliest opportunity and any breaches of this Code to TTE.
  13. Never record any table tennis related meeting or event, unless first having obtained the organiser’s permission.
  14. Never in any way harass any other individual associated or involved with table tennis[2].
  15. Comply with any venue related requirements.
  16. Comply with any rules, regulations or other governing documents regarding behaviour, conduct or other requirements as in force or adopted by Table Tennis England and ensure that any invited guest does so also.
  17. Never bring the sport of table tennis into disrepute in any way or criticise others associated with table tennis in any way which does not treat them with dignity and respect.
In addition:
  1. Never exert pressure on those they coach to compete or get results; everyone needs to be realistic about each individual’s ability.
  2. Never coach under 18-year-olds, Adults at Risk or any person at risk alone; there must always be a sufficient number of additional responsible adults present.
  3. Always practise ‘hands off’ coaching[1].
  4. Always be appropriately and suitably dressed.
  5. Recognise their own professional coaching limitations and ensure that players are transferred to another coach where necessary.
  6. Hold a valid coaching licence and ensure that s/he keeps up to date with the latest coaching practices.
  7. Provide an appropriate safe training and playing environment within an appropriate venue for players.
  8. Treat table tennis officials, players and coaches with respect at all times and ensure that their players do the same.
  9. Manage any confidential player related information appropriately.

Coaches must not:

  1. Ridicule, embarrass, bully or abuse players, or any other person associated with table tennis.
  2. Criticise fellow coaches or any other person associated with table tennis in any way which does not treat them with dignity and respect.
  3. Engage in any inappropriate or sexual relationship with a player they coach.
  4. Be under the influence of alcohol, any illegal substance or anything else which could impact their ability as a coach.
  1. Applaud any good performance or effort by others.
  2. Not be under the influence of alcohol, any illegal substance or anything else which could impact their ability as a player.
  3. Always address officials or coaches at any competitions or training camps with respect and never inappropriately question their judgement.
  4. Accept a final decision of the umpire and/or match or tournament official.
  1. Ensure they understand all the relevant rules, duties and procedures for the competition at which they are officiating.
  2. Wear the appropriate uniform as dictated by Tournament Organisers Committee (TOC) and maintain a professional appearance.
  3. Act impartially at all times in their capacity as a Technical Official.
  4. Ensure the playing environment is safe and appropriate for the competition.
  5. Manage any confidential player related information appropriately.

Technical Officials must not:

  1. Accept or indicate any willingness to accept any personal gifts or inducements from players, coaches, or teams.
  2. Bring the sport of table tennis in any way into disrepute or in any way which does not treat it with dignity and respect.
  3. Be under the influence of alcohol, any illegal substance or anything else which could impact their ability as a Technical Official.

This Code of Conduct for Technical Officials must be read in conjunction with the Laws, Regulations and Policies of the ITTF and TTE[1].

Affiliated Members must comply with:

  1. The UK Anti-Doping Rules and also any other relevant organisation who applies or enforces the UK Anti-Doping Rules or their equivalent.
  2. The World Anti-Doping Code and cooperate fully with any related investigation or proceedings.

The following policies and guidelines should be read in conjunction with this code:

To download a hard copy version of this policy, please use the link below.
