In collaboration with the National Governing Bodies of Sport (NGB), Active Essex are proud to announce the launch of the Essex Community Sport Improvement Plan; an initiative dedicated to enhancing community sport for all. The commitment will address long-standing barriers to physical activity and support the sport and physical activity sector to thrive.

The key areas of focus for the plan, is:

  1. Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI): Tackle barriers that lead to inequality in participation levels across different demographics.
  2. Safeguarding and Welfare: Ensuring the safety and wellbeing of all participants is a top priority.
  3. People (Participants & Workforce): Support and develop both participants and the workforce to enhance their experience and performance.
  4. Facilities: Striving to ensure that high-quality, accessible facilities are available to all communities. This includes the use of community places and spaces for sport and activity.

As a first of its kind, the plan outlines the partnerships desire to increase women and girls’ participation in the sector. Over the coming year, Essex will focus on increasing the number of women and girls who coach, volunteer, work and play in the sector through a collective campaign called Women and Girls Like Us.

Hollie Wood, Active Essex Strategic Lead for Sport and Physical Activity said: “We want to articulate that we are committed to working across sport and not in silos, to tackle the barriers that see such inequality to participation, across different demographics.

The Women and Girls Like Us campaign very much builds upon the essence of the national This Girl Can movement but will also showcase the many ways women and girls can be involved in sport and physical activity. Yes we want to increase the number of females participating, but we also want to ensure the sector is inclusive and accessible for them to learn, develop and work in it too!”

The recent UK Coaching report highlighted that the proportion of active coaches who are women, has decreased from 40% in 2022, to 35% in 2024. The commitment of all NGBs and Active Essex will ensure they work hard to increase the number of women coaches and provide clear career pathways through and out of the sector for young aspiring females.

The impressive CSIP, will be launched in line with several forums and drop-in sessions, organised by Active Essex Sport Welfare Leads, as well as an Essex Coaches Club. This will bring high-quality learning and development opportunities to Essex coaches, as part of the long-term commitment to work together.

Active Essex and the NGBs are hopeful that this collaborative partnership will create meaningful high-quality learning and development; appropriate and considered policies, procedures and practices; inclusive targeted marketing and communications; and positive inclusive cultures across the sector.

Chris Bryden, Area Manager (East), Table Tennis England said “Increasing the number of women and girls at all levels playing Table Tennis, is a key audience for us. As part of our strategy, Table Tennis United and through the work of the Area Network, we will play our part in tackling the inequalities in society, and specifically, in table tennis by ensuring that we are an inclusive sport. I look forward to collaborating with Active Essex through their Community Sport Improvement plan to help deliver on this objective.”

Hollie Wood, Active Essex Strategic Lead for Sport and Physical Activity said: “Our commitment to enhancing community sport is unwavering. By focusing on equality, diversity, and inclusion, we aim to break down barriers and create a supportive environment for all participants and the workforce. This plan is a significant step towards achieving a more inclusive and thriving sports community in Essex.”