Ahead of tonight’s Annual Conference, the final version of the Table Tennis England Annual Review 2020/21 has been published, alongside our responses to questions raised by our members.

The Review, which can be downloaded below, covers the financial year ended March 31, 2021 and the curtailed 2020/21 playing season.

Members were given the chance to submit questions and points of accuracy – our responses to the questions we received can also be downloaded below.

The online Annual Conference takes place tonight from 7.30-9.30pm. No registration is required to attend and the login details are:

From a PC, Mac, iPad, iPhone or Android device: Please click this URL to join. https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82679941862?pwd=U0krMVQxWUg1MkxZdTh1bE51TDRZdz09
Passcode: 162544

As well as presentation of the Annual Review, the Conference will include the presentation of the annual Honours, including the Keith Ponting President’s Memorial Award for Lifetime Achievement.

There will be presentations and updates on the Table Tennis England centenary, the Return to the Table campaign, the competition review and TT Fast Format leagues.

The Q&A function will be available on the evening, however the Chat function will be disabled – we will endeavour to answer all questions on the night but questions are requested prior to the event. All participants will be on mute and will remain on mute unless asked to speak by the Chair.