TT Kidz proving a big hit with girls
TT Kidz is coming to clubs again in October, and the programme is proving successful at growing girls' participation in the sport.
Chief Executive’s update: July 2022
Table Tennis England’s CEO, Adrian Christy gives his latest update on what the organisation has been working on and our future plans.
Content creators wanted for Birmingham 2022
Table Tennis England are looking for digital content creators to help create great table tennis content this summer!
Applications being taken for our Head Coach qualification
Applications for the Level 3 Head Coach qualification are now open! Take the next step in your coaching career and become part of a community of Level 3 coaches and the Community of Professional Practice in Sport at the University of Gloucestershire.
How TT Kidz is supporting clubs to grow their junior sections
93% of children who participate in TT Kidz would like to play more table tennis following the programme – so if you’re looking to engage more juniors and start a new beginners’ session, TT Kidz could be just the tool to do this.
Opportunity for WBL teams to enter at a higher division
Ahead of the new season, the British League Committee are exploring a change to the WBL structure to allow existing and new teams to enter the league at a higher division, to best reflect the capability of the players in the team.
Top seeds take Junior National Cup titles
Top seeds Jasmin Wong and Louis Price are the Junior National Cup champions after a weekend of table tennis in Perry Barr, Birmingham.
Wong and Price unbeaten at Junior National Cup
Jasmin Wong and Louis Price are unbeaten in the first day at the Junior National Cup in Perry Barr, Birmingham.
Bringing table tennis to the streets of Birmingham
With summer upon us and the Commonwealth Games on home soil, we're working with StreetTT to bring table tennis to the streets of Birmingham!
Latest national activity survey reveals Disabled People feel forgotten in recovery
Read about the Activity Alliance's Annual Disability and Activity Survey and how Table Tennis England is working to engage more Disabled People in the sport.