Our Find a Coach tool is a database that lists all of our licensed coaches, which means those listed all have:
- A table tennis coaching qualification
- A valid DBS
- Attended a Safeguarding and Child Protection Workshop or online renewal workshop.
- Are insured to coach
This tool has benefits for both parents and schools looking for table tennis coaches for their children and for coaches themselves.
If you’re looking for a coach or want to check their credentials, then this is the first place to look. If you can’t find a coach on the list it means they may be missing or have not completed one of the pre-requisites.
You can find out more about our Coach Licence here.
Safety of all those participating in table tennis is always at the forefront of what we do. By using the ‘Find a Coach’ tool it allows parents, clubs, schools and employers to search whether a coach has all the correct pre-requisites in place. It also allows coaches to advertise their work. If you’re looking for a coach then our ‘Find a Coach’ page would act as their CV that will highlight their qualifications, bio and contact details.
Table Tennis England’s Coach and Education Manager, Aled Howell
As a coach, the Find a Coach tool acts as a shop window for yourself, and enables you to add all of your credentials and contact details, including any website information, and a short biography to attract potential new players.
To add this information to appear on your profile:
- Access TT Membership
- Select ‘Coach Licence’
- Click on ‘Current’ that should be highlighted green
- A new tab will appear. Click on ‘Coach Finder’
- Coach Finder additional information – select yes
- From there you can add information to your Bio, contact number, website and email address
If you have any questions about the Find a Coach tool please email [email protected].