Hello and Welcome to the first east area blog of 2024.
It’s certainly been a busy start to the year with numerous visits to clubs in the east region and support of the Jack Petchey Team Finals Event at Redbridge Leisure Centre on Wednesday 24th January.
I promised in my first blog back in December that I would use this blog as an opportunity to provide more information on progress being made on the development of the Community Table Tennis Partnerships (CTTPs) across the partnership area as part of Table Tennis United (Table Tennis England’s Strategic Plan). As such and to start, what are Community Table Tennis Partnerships?
“Community Table Tennis Partnerships (CTTPs) are local geographic areas based around a town, city or small cluster of towns where, demographic data, local partner knowledge and our own data and insight tells us there are opportunities to develop the sport in those areas.
These will then receive dedicated, focussed support from the Area Manager, Area Chair and the Local Organising Group and will work closely with local partners to establish, develop and sustain activity that achieves the priorities and goals laid out in Table Tennis United.
Counties, clubs, leagues and other table tennis activity that exists in that CTTP space will be engaged to support the work that happens.
CTTPs will continue to evolve with the goal that activity is sustained by local clubs, leagues and organisations. This enables more CTTPs to be established across different parts of the Area Network where the data, insight and information demonstrates potential impact can be made. CTTP work will make up a large proportion of the activity within Local Delivery Plans.”
In regards to the east, the following locations have been identified in the first cohort of CTTPs. They are:
- Luton
- Essex
- Leicester
- Norwich
- Ipswich
As such, work has already begun across a number of these identified areas to bring both traditional and non-traditional table tennis partners together to develop action plans and identify priorities to move this area of work forward. I will happily update on progress.
As I am also still fairly new in post, I am still very much in the ‘meet & greet’ phase of the role so should anybody wish to touch base with me who hasn’t been in contact so far, please feel to give me a call or drop me a message using the details provided below:
chris.bryden@tabletennisengland.co.uk / 01908 208860
Yours in table tennis,