Summer is here, wait it’s gone again!

In this blog

  • Loss of SGS
  • The National Junior League and National Cadet League in the South West
  • Coaches Galore
  • Upcoming Courses: – Tournament Organiser, Umpire & Table Tennis Wheel Chair users’ Webinar
Loss of SGS’s provision of Table Tennis

There have been some highs and lows in Table Tennis. SGS College is ceasing the provision of a number of sports including Table Tennis within the curriculum and wider.  The College has agreed to continue to provide a home to the Wednesday development session and Nick Davidson is looking at creating a new operating model.  

National Junior League & National Cadet League

Because of the loss of SGS Mike Withyman is doing a sterling job, working with Derek Connop of Portishead, to find a new home for the National Junior (NJL) & Cadet Leagues (NCL).  More on this in the future. Entries to the leagues in the South West have already opened subject to us finding it a new home. click here for more information

Coaches Galore

Congratulations to the 13 coaches from Devon and Cornwall who passed their Level 1 Coach award in June. Not only is it a great personal achievement it unlocks opportunities to develop the sport. A further 11 coaches are midway through their Level 1 in Gloucestershire and the Level 2 starts in Bristol in July.

It takes a village to raise a coach

I attended the course in Cornwall and was struck by how many people were involved in making the course a success. Kelly Plumb, who organised and promoted the course locally, Paul Whiting – Tutor, Emma Harradine – Assessor, the willing guinea pigs – young and experienced, the coaches who mentored and the muffin man. Thank you to everyone. On an aside my forehand drive has really improved.

Coach Development is currently under review. As soon as I have more details about the process and the new structure I will let you know.

Funding Success for Plymouth Joola and St Austell Table Tennis Club

Plymouth Joola as part of a Plymouth Table Tennis Partnership have a track record of success working with schools. A successful bid to the Samworth Brothers of £7500 will help them expand their work into 3 Girls Secondary Schools, creating a satellite club to address the barrier of travel to Joola.

St Austell Table Tennis Club has been awarded £10,050 for the Table Tennis for Good Project. through Cornwall’s Shared Prosperity Fund. It’s a project which promotes the benefits of table tennis to all, connecting with partners from outside of the sport together.   They have recent funding success to support the development of their Club: £1300 from Cornwall Council – Time to Move (School Holiday table Tennis lunch club) and £800 from Asda for school coaching and a local schools tournament. I feel like Craig Mehew and the committee won’t be satisfied until the whole of the town has a bat in their hands. 

There will be more updates on these projects as there are lessons to share. If you have a project that you would like to share please let me know.

Watch this space for further advice and workshops on funding.

Wheelchair Provision in Table Tennis Webinar

Would you like your club, league or session to improve your offer for wheelchair users?

Register now to Join Amanda Worne on this webinar Thursday 11th July at 7.00 pm.

Follow the link for more information

Tournament Organiser & Officials Courses
Tournament Organiser Course

Online 7th October and 14th October 6-8 pm

Whether your aspiration is to organise a intraclub fun festival or a national tournament, this course will provide you with the confidence and technical knowledge.

Umpiring Courses

Cornwall 14th September in person – Cornwall Table Tennis Centre

What would the world of Table Tennis look like without Umpires? Qualified umpires unlock the growth of the sport. Be part of a team that provides competitive opportunities to the highest standard.

More courses available across the UK throughout Autumn.

Follow the link below for more details.

There is so much happening around the South West. If you have a story, photograph or video you would like to share or if you have an issue you would like me to focus on please let me know.

Contact Amanda Leonard Area Manager – South West

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