Sharing your news and all things Table Tennis

  • This Month in a Nutshell
  • Need more umpires?
  • Courses
  • Got any diary dates?
  • Level 2 Coaching Course
This Month in a Nutshell

The highlight of this month has been taking part in the 1st day of the Level 1 Coaching Course at Cornwall Table Tennis Centre.  It was delivered by the exceptionally talented and committed Paul Whiting of Plymouth Joola Table Tennis Club and the South West’s Player Development Centre.

I loved the course on so many levels:- connecting with volunteers from clubs, Falmouth Docks, Mounts Bay, Creekside, Bridge, St Austell and Okehampton; learning more about the sport and technical aspects of the game and learning how to coach safely in a Table Tennis environment.

Thank you to the other aspirant coaches who were very supportive and to Paul for sharing his unending passion for coaching table tennis at all levels.

The Performance Zone – Sports Psychology Workshop

The first South West coaching networking event took place in the form of a Sports Psychology Workshop on ‘The Performance Zone.’  33 coaches from across the South West joined us to listen to Sarah Majid and gain practical tools and tips to implement when working with players of all ages and abilities. 

More details of the course, a summary of the evaluation of the course and a link to the tools and a video (TTE Learning Zone).

Sharing your news

If you have a good news story that you would like to share please send it through to me ideally with a photo and  a link to further information if you have it.

If you have a particular topic that you think would benefit Table Tennis please let me know.

Contact us

Lots of Inspiring Table Tennis Development happening
Junior Development around Stroud

Stroud TTC continues to work with other local clubs, Nailsworth Phoenix, Cirencester, Gloucester and (over the border!) Malmesbury, to deliver TT Kidz and a wider programme of Junior recruitment and development.  An ambitious programme which has received a grant from Gloucestershire TTA and from the local Authority recognising the benefits of Table Tennis for children’s mental health.  More on this in the future.

Congratulations to Jim Hurford and the team for pulling these off. Making links with schools, promoting, training to be activators and their overall commitment to work together to get more children into Table Tennis.

More information on TT Kidz programmes.

Somerset County Plan

Somerset County are at the early stages of creating a county plan.   I met with Ian Chislett and Steve Joel, presented Somerset data, around membership and volunteers.  The age profiling and bounce back after Covid make for an interesting discussion.  Watch this space (well Somerset), as the plan takes shape.

St Austell Table Tennis Partnership – Table Tennis for Good Project

Like many of you, Craig Mehew, Allan Brooks & Tim Bowler at St Austell have the ‘bit between their teeth’ and are lazer focussed on growing their club, particularly looking at Juniors.  Grant applications to the Parish Council & Asda have been successful.  They also ran an open fun tournament with a raffle helping to create a buzz and raise significant funds.  The funds have paid for equipment for coaching in schools and there are big plans.

“Thank you to everyone who supported our club day to raise some much needed funds for the club. We managed to raise an amazing £836.23 which will help us move the club forward and start to develop the youth side of the club. A massive thank you to those who provided raffle prizes, particularly our League Sponsor Jarvis Sport, we couldn’t have done this day without you!” Craig Mehew – Junior Development Officer

I spoke to the club, as there was a significant funding opportunity through the Shared Prosperity Fund to create a Partnership (inc health, schools, youth work) and develop a plan.  Wish us luck the application for £10,000 is submitted this week and that will be the start.

Plymouth Table Tennis Partnership

I attended the Partnership meeting last week, hosted by Russ Keith at Plymouth Table Tennis HQ.  Great to see the amazing facilities.  Meeting Bailey Page the Young Volunteer of the Year was a privilege, and it was amazing to hear that he is taking the next year to concentrate on Table Tennis playing and coaching.

Graham Pearson spoke about a schools’ programme of coaching culminating in a festival.  They are targeting 3 Girls Secondary schools and their feeders, integrating young leaders.  Joola has a funding application in for £15,000 to set up a satellite club.  Fingers crossed, as they find out imminently.

Help shape the future of volunteering in table tennis

Table Tennis England are excited to launch their volunteer landscape survey which aims to enhance the volunteering experience in the dynamic world of table tennis. To make this possible, they’re asking for your insights!

Need more umpires?
Want an Umpire course nearer to you?

We are planning dates for 24/25 umpiring courses.  If you have people wishing to become qualified umpires or if you could host an umpiring course, please get in touch.

The goal is to get a good spread of courses across the area.

Let me know how much interest you have, and which clubs or leagues are interested.

Contact us

Your Diary Diary Dates

I’ve been in a few meetings recently where people are keenly looking at booking in courses, tournaments and hopefully holidays for the 2024 / 2025 season. 

If you have County or League hosted events please send through the dates and we can attempt to avoid clashes.

Upcoming Courses
Level 1 Umpire Award

Cornwall Table Tennis Centre 14th September – Organised by Kelly Plumb

Places available

Level 2 Coach

Bristol SGS College 13th July, 14th July & 7th September – Tutor Emma Harradine

Places available – 6 coaches currently registered.

NOTE check the closing date for applications to the Level 2.

Tournament Organiser Course

If you are planning a tournament / festival, big or small consider booking on a Tournament Organiser Course. This on line course Covers all aspects of preparation, delivery and evaluation of tournaments. You will gain ideas of different set ups and formats, and there will be useful tools to help you.

Watch this space for dates.

More information on Courses

Events outside of TTE

Bristol Training Weekend at SGS College run by Cooke & Deaton

On 7th & 8 of September

Click for more information.


Photo credits Kelly Plumb – Bridge TTC & Craig Mehew St Austell TTC.

Thank you for all you do

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