Table tennis is an amazing sport that can bring people together from a diverse range of backgrounds. However, creating an inclusive environment where everyone feels welcome, particularly those from the LGBTQ+ community, requires intentional effort and commitment. This blog will provide you with some tips on how your club can foster inclusivity and ensure that LGBTQ+ members feel respected and valued.

Understanding Inclusivity

Inclusivity means more than just allowing participation; it’s about creating a supportive and respectful environment where every individual feels safe and accepted. For the LGBTQ+ community, this includes recognition and respect for diverse sexual orientations, gender identities, and expressions.

Creating a supportive environment is important because many LGBTQ+ people don’t feel safe or welcome in sport-

33% of LGBTQ+ people who participate in or follow sport aren’t out to anyone in their sporting life and 20% of LGBTQ+ people refrain from participating in sport due to their sexual orientation and/or their gender identity (Out in Sport, 2019)

Three in ten trans pupils (29%) report being bullied during PE lessons and two in five trans people (38%) say they avoid going to the gym or participating in sports groups because they fear of discrimination and harassment (YouGov, 2017).

Gender-Inclusive Practices

  • Inclusive Language: Encourage the use of gender-neutral language in all club communications and during events. Avoid assumptions about someone’s gender based on their appearance or name.
  • Facilities: Ensure that changing rooms, bathrooms, and other facilities are inclusive and provide options for all genders. This might include creating gender-neutral spaces or allowing members to use facilities that align with their gender identity.

You can view the Racing Pride – How to be a good ally pack here. It includes information on key terminology and definitions, as well as how to challenge behaviour.

Community Engagement

  • Partnerships: Partner with local LGBTQ+ organisations to build stronger community ties and demonstrate the club’s commitment to inclusivity. These partnerships can also provide valuable resources and support.
  • Outreach Programs: Engage in outreach efforts to encourage LGBTQ+ individuals to join the club. Highlight the club’s inclusive policies and the welcoming environment in promotional materials.

Inclusive Competition

  • Tournament Policies: Ensure that tournaments and competitions hosted by the club are inclusive. This includes having clear policies that allow athletes to compete in accordance with their gender identity.
  • Respectful Atmosphere: Promote a culture of respect and sportsmanship during competitions, emphasising that all participants should be treated with dignity.

Join the Rainbow Laces Campaign

The Rainbow Laces campaign was created by the Stonewall charity in 2012, it began by asking players to lace up their boots or trainers with rainbow-coloured laces to increase LGBTQ+ awareness and it has grown every year.

Click here to get involved