BeTT impact – Portishead table tennis club
Portishead table tennis club wanted to grow the number of junior players at their club, which has been made possible with support of our BeTT... Continue reading
The impact of Bat and Chat – Clubs and Leagues
Discover the impact that Bat and Chat is having on clubs and leagues.
The economic impact of Ping Pong Parlours
As well as providing an opportunity for people to be physically active, Ping Pong Parlours have shown how they can drive footfall and increase spend... Continue reading
Increasing physical activity – Alwyn and Stephan’s story
Retired couple Alwyn and Stephan have found how table tennis can help keep them active in later life, as well as keeping Stephan’s mind active... Continue reading
Ping Pong Parlours serve as ‘activity hubs’ for people to try something new
The Ping Pong Parlour in Cambridge has provided the perfect opportunity for people to try a new activity, with taster session provided by the local... Continue reading
Being active and having fun at Ping Pong Parlours
There are approximately 1.2 millions people with a learning disability in England, with only 16.8% taking part in sport and physical activity once a week... Continue reading
Ping Pong Parlours host community health screenings
Millions of people in England benefits from health screenings each year. Hosting screenings in community venues, such as Ping Pong Parlous, can be effective in... Continue reading
Parlours provide local affordable opportunities to be active
The location and cost of physical activity opportunities can prevent people from taking part and being physically active. Ping Pong Parlours are the perfect project... Continue reading
Increasing physical activity – Ian’s story
Living with a mental health condition can lead to not being physically active. Ian has bipolar disorder and found it difficult to be active, until... Continue reading
Bat and Chat summary – clubs and leagues
Find out more about what difference Bat and Chat has made on clubs and leagues who introduce the sessions to their timetable.