Young Ambassador parent interviews
Hear from the parent’s of our Young Ambassadors and how they think the programme has supported and developed their children.
Sophie Storey – Young Ambassador
Hear from one of our Young Ambassadors, Sophie Storey, on her experience on the programme and how it has helped her develop as a volunteer.
Table tennis benefits cancer support group
Cancer support group C’Siders in Weymouth have introduced table tennis to their meetings, to introduce a fun, accessible activity that all group members could get... Continue reading
Jack Petchey table donation impact – Central Foundation Girls School
Discover how the Jack Petchey table donation scheme has made a positive impact at Central Foundation Girls School.
Table tennis aids heart attack recovery
After suffering from two heart attacks, John says that playing table tennis has massively helped during his recovery.
Young Ambassadors help to inspire others
The Young Ambassador programme aims to start young people on their volunteering journey, with two girls having the opportunity to act as role models to... Continue reading
BeTT impact – Portishead table tennis club
Portishead table tennis club wanted to grow the number of junior players at their club, which has been made possible with support of our BeTT... Continue reading
The impact of Bat and Chat – Clubs and Leagues
Discover the impact that Bat and Chat is having on clubs and leagues.
The economic impact of Ping Pong Parlours
As well as providing an opportunity for people to be physically active, Ping Pong Parlours have shown how they can drive footfall and increase spend... Continue reading
Increasing physical activity – Alwyn and Stephan’s story
Retired couple Alwyn and Stephan have found how table tennis can help keep them active in later life, as well as keeping Stephan’s mind active... Continue reading