Help us to honour our brilliant partners!
Do you have a partner organisation which has made a significant impact on your table tennis activities over the last 12 months? If so, why not nominate them for the Partner of the Year Category in the Pride of Table Tennis Awards?
Primary schools come together for table tennis festival
The second Bury Primary Schools Table Tennis festival took place at Bury Castle Leisure Centre on November 1. Gill Molloy, one of the School Games Organisers within Greater Manchester, was instrumental in planning, organising, and delivering the event.
Nominate an amazing volunteer for a Pride of Table Tennis award!
This year’s Pride of Table Tennis Awards are now open! We look back at some of our previous winners and let you know how to make your nominations for this year's awards.
How to put our heroic young volunteers in the Pride of Table Tennis spotlight
This year’s Pride of Table Tennis Awards are now open! We look back at some of our previous winners and let you know how to make your nominations for this year's awards.
We are Table Tennis United
Table Tennis United is here – our new strategy outlining our vision to turn England into a ‘Table Tennis Nation’.
It’s time to take Pride in our volunteers – nominate now!
Pride of Table Tennis nominations are now open! The time has come to recognise and honour your volunteers.
Last few days to apply for a Jack Petchey grant
Applications are closing soon for free table tennis coaching programmes, training courses and subsidised equipment packages under the banner of the Jack Petchey Programme.
Suppliers sought to help our work with Jack Petchey
We are seeking suppliers to underpin our work with the Jack Petchey Foundation to provide tables for schools and youth clubs in London and Essex.
Jack Petchey Programme grants now available
Applications are now open for three grant schemes under the banner of the Jack Petchey Programme.
Jack Petchey table tennis programme continues to engage thousands of young people
This year, the Jack Petchey Table Tennis Programme entered its 11th year and saw thousands of young people given the opportunity to play, compete and lead in table tennis across London and Essex.