
Book your place at our National Conference

Table Tennis England invites Clubs, Coaches and Volunteers to book their place for the 2021 National Conference. The National Conference, which will be a virtual... Continue reading

April 21, 2021 | Paul Stimpson

Can you help us take Pride in our volunteers?

How would you like to help us show our appreciation to the unsung heroes of our sport by supporting the Pride of Table Tennis Awards?... Continue reading

April 15, 2021 | Paul Stimpson

Save the date for virtual National Conference

Table Tennis England invites Clubs, Coaches and Volunteers to ‘save the date’ for the 2021 National Conference! The National Conference, which will be a virtual... Continue reading

April 13, 2021 | Paul Stimpson

Watch our Ready to Return webinar

Our latest Ready to Return webinars – held in two sessions on April 8 – has helped clubs to prepare for their return to indoor... Continue reading

April 12, 2021 | Paul Stimpson

Pride of Table Tennis national shortlists revealed!

The countdown is on to the unveiling of this year’s Pride of Table Tennis National Award winners! Pride of Table Tennis recognises the amazing commitment... Continue reading

March 30, 2021 | Paul Stimpson

Your input needed on new league programme

Would you like to feed into the development of a new local league programme for the sport? Over the past few months, there has been... Continue reading

February 24, 2021 | Paul Stimpson