Essex women & girls tournament a big hit
Read about the successful Essex Women & Girls 1* - and find out how to enter the next Women & Girls 1* and join our webinar on staging your own tournaments.
How table tennis can help mums and daughters spend #TimeTogether
This October, we are joining the #TimeTogether campaign on our social media channels to encourage mothers and their teenage daughters to play sport.
Creating inclusive marketing and communications
As National Inclusion Week continues, we share what we have been doing to ensure our marketing and communications strategies are inclusive.
How we’re making competitions more inclusive
In National Inclusion Week, we are pleased to share the progress we have made so far in making our tournaments more inclusive.
Don’t miss out on grants for wheelchair compliant tables
There is still time to apply for a Level The Table grant for clubs to make wheelchair compliant tables available for players who require them.
A 12-month #LevelTheTable strategy update
Discover the progress we have made tackling inequality in table tennis over the last year.
Webinars offer guidance on engaging women and girls
Two upcoming club webinars will offer guidance on engaging more women and girls into table tennis, and setting up tournaments aimed at providing opportunities for competitive play.
How table tennis coaches can apply to be part of the Invictus Games
Table tennis coaches are encouraged to apply to join training camps in the next few months in preparation for next year’s Invictus Games - which could lead to a role at the Games themselves.
Jack Petchey Programme grants now available
Applications are now open for three grant schemes under the banner of the Jack Petchey Programme.
Don’t miss chance to enter our next Women and Girls tournament
There is still time to enter the second all-female 1* event, at Anglia Ruskin University in Chelmsford on Saturday.