
Sport England support our quest for gender parity with extra cash injection

Table Tennis England has been awarded an extra £250,000 from Sport England to support our work in creating more opportunities for women and girls in table tennis through building our digital capabilities and infrastructures.  

May 12, 2022 | Julie Snowdon
Women and Girls

Female-only Bat & Chat sessions helping to reduce loneliness

During Mental Health Awareness Week we're highlighting how a female-only Bat & Chat session is combatting loneliness.

May 11, 2022 | Julie Snowdon
Women and Girls

How a new online community is supporting women to feel less isolated in table tennis

This year's Mental Health Awareness Week theme is tackling loneliness. Join our online community of women in table tennis and stay connected and supported.

May 10, 2022 | Julie Snowdon
Women and Girls

Festivals inspire girls to achieve in table tennis

Girls in London will be inspired to make table tennis part of their lives at four girls-only festivals delivered in partnership with the Jack Petchey Foundation.

May 5, 2022 | Paul Stimpson
Women and Girls

Aerobic TT goes up in the world to inspire females

VIDEO: Aerobic Table Tennis has launched in Nepal – with an important aim of getting more women and girls into the sport.

May 4, 2022 | Paul Stimpson
Women and Girls

11 years old and championing Women & Girls in table tennis

This week’s focus for our Return to the Table campaign is juniors in table tennis where we’re highlighting confidence, passion and motivation for youngsters! One... Continue reading

August 11, 2021 | Paul Stimpson
Pride of Table Tennis

Pride of Table Tennis Spotlight – Giulio Pontone

Darlington Table Tennis Academy started its journey in 2013 at Longfield Academy with just four tables, by 2015 the club had rapidly outgrown their school venue... Continue reading

July 3, 2019 | Martin Ireland