Centenary stories: James Thompson, medallist at the first Worlds
In the latest of our series of Centenary Stories, we focus on James Thompson, an early pioneer of rubber table tennis bats, who played in the inaugural World Championships in 1926.
Join us at our Centenary Gala Dinner
Our Centenary Gala Dinner will be a celebration of 100 years of the table tennis governing body in this country. A host of star names past and present will be there - and you could join them!
Centenary book features happy memories of London
Have a sneak preview of some of the pages in our centenary book - plus find out how to reserve your copy.
Centenary Stories: The rise of Phoenix
In the latest in our series of Centenary Stories, we hear from some of those who have been involved in a long-standing local league winning streak.
Centenary Stories: A marathon effort
The latest in our series of Centenary Stories focuses on a table tennis marathon from the 1960s.
Centenary Stories: Memories of Maurice Goldstein
This wonderful photo shows two of the most eminent characters in the history of English table tennis in action on the table. Maurice Goldstein, left,... Continue reading
Sign up now for our landmark Centenary Webinars
This week we launch our series of Centenary Webinars – your chance to join up to five virtual sessions exploring areas that are central to... Continue reading
Centenary Stories: Is Mike’s marathon a record?
Most of our members will have played a game which seemed to go on forever, with neither player able to get that all-important two-point advantage... Continue reading
Centenary Stories: England pioneer Gilbert Belsten
The name of Gilbert Belsten is little known but highly significant in the history of table tennis in England. As a member of the England... Continue reading
How YOU can be part of our Centenary celebrations
Our centenary celebrations are in full swing and there is still time to get your name in our fantastic commemorative book, or enter the ballot... Continue reading