Start a club
Everything you need to know about setting up and running a table tennis club.
Starting a new table tennis club can be a very challenging, but extremely rewarding experience. Before you jump in and plan the intricate details of your new club, you will need to first make sure that your club will be able to run successfully. We have prepared a checklist of questions to challenge your thought process.
Have you checked whether there is a similar club already running in your local area?
- Check the BeInspired Sport Club Finder
- Search Google and Social Media
- Ask Table Tennis England
How many potential members are there?
- Ask your friends and family
- Start a Facebook group or ask around on other social media platforms
- Speak to your local newspapers and radio stations
- Talk to your local schools
Do you have a venue?
- Speak to your Local Authority
- Speak to your local schools, colleges and universities
- Speak to your local leisure centre
When will your table tennis sessions take place?
- Check the availability of venues in your area
- Ask your potential members what days are best for them
- Check the Table Tennis England competition calendar for any clashes
Where will you recruit your coaches and volunteers?
- Check Table Tennis England’s Coaching database
- Register opportunities on our Volunteers & Job Seekers section
- Ensure that you are recruiting sufficiently qualified people
Have you considered a club committee?
- Think about who are the right people to be involved in a committee
- Consider carefully who will take on the roles of Chair, Secretary and Treasurer
- Will people be happy to volunteer their time towards your club?
What are your costs?
- How much will your facility cost to hire?
- Will you need to pay your coaches?
- Have you purchased equipment?
- Do you know the maintenance costs?
What funding streams are available to support?
- Contact your local Active Partnership and Local Authority to see if they have funding available
- View the Sport England funding webpages
Ready to set up your club?

Once you’ve set up your new table tennis club, register your club for a free Associate club membership with Table Tennis England.

Contact your local Active Partnership to ask for advice and assistance.

Visit Club Matters to find out more and see the resources available to support you in setting up your new table tennis club.
Get in touch
Contact Table Tennis England for further support.