Thanks to everyone who responded to our 10-minute online survey earlier this year, designed to gain some insight from our coaches.

It was open for four weeks and the survey link was shared with all qualified coaches through targeted emails, the coaching newsletter and through social media channels.

Here are some of the typical comments which coaches brought up in their responses:

  • ‘More local availability of coaching courses. Reasonably priced courses’
  • ‘The biggest challenge I face is the costs surrounding coaching progression’
  • ‘It would be good to be able to talk to similar coaches’
  • ‘Some sort of online coaching forum, where coaches can share ideas, ask questions and support each other’
  • ‘More level 2 courses’

Alongside this, we received a significant amount of feedback from our members and throughout this week we will be highlighting what we’ve done in response to comments and suggestions, including new initiatives we have implemented.

The input we get from our coaches is very important and where possible we endeavour to change and improve our coach education programme based on that feedback. Where this is not possible, we will explain why that is the case.

Look out for website articles, social media posts and video this week, on subjects ranging from coaching courses to networking, licensing and partnership and employment opportunities.