Coaching courses will resume and clubs can apply to be part of our new pilot project – developing high quality coaching systems within their clubs and supporting the design of our Coach Excellence Framework with our Coaching team – as our Coach Learning and Development Implementation Plan moves forward.

The Coach Learning and Development Implementation Plan was approved by our Board last month and the first phase of delivery is now getting under way.

This includes piloting the new supported coach learning journey and developing and implementing our new Coaching Excellence Framework with a handful of clubs throughout the country, to support and embed an excellent, thriving coach learning and development environment.

Clubs will be able to apply to be a pilot club from January, ahead of starting work in April.

Our four key strategies for the implementation are below:

Strategy 1. Grow a coach learning culture and system

Grow the number of coaches through a coherent coaching culture and philosophy aligned to a Player Development Framework, driving success across clubs and performance, aligned to our Olympic First ambition.

Strategy 2. Build an inclusive, valued coaching workforce

Build a diverse, highly skilled, blended (professional/volunteers), connected coaching workforce that is valued at each stage of the player pathway and supported to become excellent in each environment.

Strategy 3. Provide excellent coach learning and development

Coaches engaged in a place-based coach learning system accessing comprehensive, measured and flexible modular learning and development programmes across the UK. Build a digital platform connecting learning across a range of formats to support the development and communication for coaches, encouraging a community of practice for coaches to connect and engage. 

Strategy 4. Develop a network of expert coaches

Focus upon building a diverse network of coaches supported by coach mentors operating in performance, talent and club environments, capable of guiding players to reach medal-winning performances.

In the meantime, Table Tennis England will resume coaching courses to meet the demand for coaches to gain their Level 1 and Level 2 qualifications.

Clubs can register their interest in hosting coaching courses via this form. The coaching team and Area Managers will provide support in understanding the optimum locations.

Any coach who takes a Level 1 or Level 2 qualification will be mapped directly across to our new Coaching Excellence Framework.

For already-qualified coaches, as the existing qualifications do not meet our new standards framework, there may be CPD modules to complete. However, please be assured anyone who has gained a Level 1 or Level 2 qualification will remain licensed in line with our current licensing policy. 

We will continue to update current and prospective coaches regularly as the Implementation Plan moves forward.