Table Tennis England is supporting a new initiative to provide schools, local authorities and families with easy access to free resources to get children moving before, during and after the school day.

Table Tennis England will be providing content to the Active Recovery Hub, led by Youth Sport Trust and Sport England with the support of funding from the National Lottery.

It follows a commitment in the Government’s School Sport and Activity Action Plan to extend the School Games website to help teachers and parents find opportunities for young people to compete and get active.

It is also part of an ambitious Government investment of £1.7 billion to boost learning and recovery for children and young people following the Covid-19 pandemic.

The new hub has hundreds of resources available on it to help all children achieve the Chief Medical Officer’s recommendation of an average of 60 active minutes a day.

It will sit on the School Games website and provide the ideal platform to get all young people more active. More than 18,800 schools already take part in the School Games nationwide. A total of 38 sports organisations have provided content and expertise to create a diverse range of activities that are inclusive.

Meanwhile, our Participation team yesterday delivered a webinar on junior participation and TT Kidz, which you can watch below: