A message from Table Tennis England CEO Adrian Christy:

Hi all, I hope you are very well and looking forward to some warmer, and drier, weather!

Table Tennis England needs your help.

If you are familiar with our new strategy, Table Tennis United, you will know of our commitment to stage fantastic events, where ‘we will make table tennis more visible to fans across the country and will seek to stage events that fans want to watch. We will use these events to inspire our audience and showcase the sport’.  

Where better to focus than the World Team Championships giving you, our members and fans, the chance to get behind Team England.

We have been in discussions with the ITTF, UK Sport and the Greater London Authority to consider a bid to host the World Team Championships 2026 as part of the ITTF Centenary celebrations.

We are in advance stages of developing the business plan for the Championships of which the interest of our members and fans in buying tickets to get behind the team, is a fundamental part of the knowledge gathering that is underway.

This is where I am asking for your help.

We are carrying out a short survey which will not take up too much time but will provide us with some extremely valuable insight. The link to this survey is below.

I am determined that we take every opportunity to build the profile of our great sport, inspire more people to play, give home advantage to our team and create a greater awareness of table tennis. Your help therefore in supporting our ambitions is greatly appreciated.

Thank you all and best wishes.
