Annual Returns
How to confirm your organisation’s details with us each season.
About Annual Returns
The Annual Returns is an online system for leagues to confirm their organisation’s details with Table Tennis England each season.
Leagues are required to list the number of players, roles holders, and teams that are associated with the organisation. This information is used to calculate voting rights, validate insurance, produce contact lists, and for our reporting purposes. If you completed your Annual Return for the season and in the annual return section on TT Memberships it says Current in green, it will be valid until the dates highlighted below and you need do nothing.
Annual Return process for leagues
Leagues are required to confirm several details that are associated with the organisation. This information is used to compile the Electoral Register and calculate voting rights, produce contact lists, validate insurance and for reporting purposes.
The Electoral Register will include the number of teams and registered players credited to a Local League on 21 February each year. Leagues must report through the Annual Return the number of teams it had in membership on 21 February.
Your Annual Return must be submitted by 15th March each year.
The Electoral Register will be published on the Table Tennis England website and will be effective from 1 April to the following 31 March.
If you do not complete your return before the date listed above, certain aspects of your affiliation, such as insurance and voting rights, could become invalid.
If you encounter any problems during this process, please contact us directly by email on by calling 01908 208860.