Live Streaming and Photographic Rights

From the 2024/25 season, Table Tennis England has introduced new guidelines for photography, recording and live streaming at National Events to support our efforts to generate new revenues that can be reinvested into table tennis.

This means restrictions are in place on live streaming, recording and photography (using professional equipment and lenses) at these events. Recording matches for training purposes, and photography using a phone, strictly for personal usage, continues to be permitted at all of our events.

Live streaming, recording and photography are NOT permitted at:
  • Mark Bates Ltd National Championships – Seniors and all age groups, including qualifying tournament
  • WTT events hosted by England
  • Butterfly Schools National Finals
  • English Leagues Cup Competitions Finals
Live streaming and photography are sometimes NOT permitted * at:
  • Some British Clubs Leagues competitions
  • Some National Series competitions
  • Some U21 National Cup competitions
  • Some Senior National competitions

*Not permitted when Table Tennis England is recording and/or live streaming content for their channels, or when the Table Tennis England Official Photographer is present. Please check with us in advance for details of this schedule, which may be subject to change. Outside of these times, live streaming, recording and photography is permitted, providing you register with the Table Tennis England staff/Tournament Referee at the desk and provide details of the intended usage of the content. This is a Safeguarding requirement which has been in place for a number of seasons. 

Other events

At National Events other than those listed above, photography using specialist equipment and live streaming is permitted. If you would like to do this however, you will be required to register with the Table Tennis England staff/Tournament Referee at the desk and provide details of the intended usage of the content. This is a Safeguarding requirement which has been in place for a number of seasons.

For live streaming and photography at Regional or Local levels, please approach individual competition organisers.

Media accreditation

Photographers representing bona fide media organisations may apply for Accreditation to cover our National Events.

To apply for accreditation or for any other inquiries about Broadcast and Photography Rights, please contact our marketing department.