As per our Disciplinary Committee Terms of Reference, we’re looking for six current Table Tennis England members to form our Disciplinary Committee.

The Disciplinary Committee is an operational committee of Table Tennis England, responsible to the Board via the CEO.

The purpose of the committee is to act in relation to an alleged Disciplinary Breach, including the power to impose appropriate sanctions in accordance with Regulations Part D: Disciplinary Regulations.


1. To manage any disciplinary issues that are referred to the committee by the CEO

2. To comply with the Disciplinary regulations

3. To work with the designated disciplinary secretary to ensure a swift and unbiased outcome

4. Issue appropriate sanction

5. Cooperate with the Appeals Tribunal should the decision be appealed

All committee member appointments will be for a tenure of 2 years, with a maximum of 4 consecutive terms, unless exceptionally agreed by the board.


Applications should include a summary of experience and a personal statement, sent to:

Joanna Keay-Blyth

Head of Operations and Governance

Table Tennis England

Bradwell Road

Loughton Lodge

Milton Keynes


Or by email

If you would like an informal chat with the current chair also let us know and we can arrange this.