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Coaches’ Legal Insurance cover

Licenced coaches have access to Table Tennis England’s insurance cover.

The Legal Liability Policy covers legal liability for damages and legal costs arising out of Third Party loss, injury or damage, in connection with the insured activities described above for incidents occurring within the period stated above. Cover includes Public liability, Professional indemnity, including liability for damage to leased and rented premises, indemnity to principals and liability arising out of goods sold or supplied including refreshments. Cover is provided with a retro-active date of 15 November 2003 (or from the start of your licence, whichever date is the latter) which means that the cover will respond in respect of insured incidents that have occurred since this date, where the incident has not already been notified to insurers. All incidents that may give rise to a claim should be notified to Sportscover via Towergate at the time of incident.

The Legal Protection Cover policy provides Legal Expenses (Legal Defence) cover whilst playing, coaching and officiating table tennis including direct travel to and from venues. This policy is designed to provide indemnity to individual coaches or sole trader businesses whose turnover (arising from table tennis) does not exceed £75,000. If your annual turnover exceeds £75000 or you are employing or utilising the services of any other person(s) within your business, then this insurance is not sufficient for your needs. You should contact Towergate insurance to arrange separate cover for your business.

Public Liability Cover

Coaches are also covered under the Table Tennis England Public Liability Cover.

Personal Accident Cover

Coaches are also covered under the Table Tennis England Personal Accident Cover.

Claims documentation

The claims documentation is restricted to Table Tennis England members only. In order to access the insurance documentation, please login to the Membership Benefits area.