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Members’ Personal Accident Cover

Players who hold a valid paying membership, coaches with a valid Licence, and registered volunteers are given access to our Personal Accident Cover.

Who is covered

Players who hold a valid paying membership with Table Tennis England (Compete or Compete Plus), coaches with a valid Coach Licence, and registered Table Tennis England volunteers are given access to our Personal Accident Cover.

The policy provides Personal Accident benefits whilst playing table tennis including direct travel to and from venues.

The significant benefits include:

  • Death – £50,000
  • Loss of Limb and/or Loss of Sight – £50,000
  • Permanent Total Disablement – £50,000
  • Temporary Total Disablement – £200 per week
  • Temporary Partial Disablement- £100 per week
  • Physiotherapy / Chiropractic – £500 per session (max 65 years of age)
  • Medical Expenses – £10,000
  • Emergency Dental Treatment – £500 (£50 Excess)
  • Fracture – up to £2,500

a. Maximum Indemnity: 104 weeks

b. Deferment Period: 14 days

c. Death Benefit is reduced to £25,000 for persons under 16

Frequently asked questions

The questions below are intended as a guide for Table Tennis England members only. Should you be in any doubt or require any further clarification then please contact Towergate Insurance who will be pleased to assist.

Briefly, Personal Accident insures members for their own injuries, whereas liability insures members for claims made against them for injuries that they may have caused to others. With liability, it is up to the injured person to prove that the liability exists, whereas personal accident cover does not require this.

“Accident” means a sudden, unexpected, unusual and specific event, which occurs at a definable time and place which results in a bodily injury. This does not include sickness or illnesses.

Compete and Compete Plus members of Table Tennis England are included, as well as licensed coaches, “authorised volunteers” and officials (the cover does not apply to Club Play or Supporter members). Exclusions apply see summary cover for more details in the members area.  Please be aware the principle of the cover is to compensate the member for their own direct financial costs arising from an accident, therefore if you have not incurred any financial loss you are unlikely to be able to make a claim on the policy.

The policy only covers the activity of table tennis, including playing, training, coaching and officiating at events, including travelling to and from the venue.

These are single lump sum amounts paid by the policy for one-off, serious accidents, such as death or permanent disability.

These are weekly amounts paid for compensation of loss of income as a result of a member being unable to perform their usual occupation as a result of an accident.

The excess period is 14 days , which is the initial period before any temporary benefit is paid.

The maximum indemnity provided is 52 weeks.

Briefly, this cover operates as a result of an accident and only covers amounts which are not covered by the public health system such as the NHS.

Volunteers who operate in a league or club environment are covered, providing they have a valid Table Tennis England membership (including free Supporter Membership) and have a volunteer role assigned to their membership account by a club, league or county administrator.

For further information please contact Table Tennis England.

The policy does not cover suicide, taking part in other sports or activities, war, terrorism, failure to take medical advice, AIDS, radioactive contamination, sexually transmitted disease or childbirth. Furthermore, the policy does not cover sickness or disease or mental disorder of any kind.

No, the policy does not cover any pre-existing injuries or gradual bodily deterioration.

Claimants or their representatives must contact Towergate Insurance on 01926 439439  or by email within 30 days (or as soon as practicably possible thereafter)

Terms and conditions

A full copy of the policy terms and conditions is available upon request by email to Towergate.

Claims documentation

The claims documentation is restricted to Table Tennis England members only. In order to access the insurance documentation, please login to the Membership Benefits area.