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The Competition Review has established a new national competition model to enable all competitions strands to develop and thrive.

The following competitions will be delivered or supported by the Table Tennis England Competition and Events team: 

  • National Championships 
  • National Series 
  • National Leagues 
  • National Cups 

Other events will be regulated and structured by TTE, and delivered and supported by the TTE community. 

  • Creation of a new four-date National Series for top U13, U15 & U19 boys and girls – a regular high-quality competitive opportunity for the top cohort in each youth age-group
  • Alignment of the National Club Leagues (NCL/NJL and British League) under the same branding and processes
  • National Championships re-grouped into different age-groups
  • U11 & U13 National Championships to become Open events for all ages from U10 to U13 inclusive
  • U11/U13 Area Team Event – a new targeted team competition opportunity for priority age-groups at area level
  • U21 National Cup – a new event to aid retention and provide valuable competition opportunity to this priority cohort
  • 1*, 2*, 4* & Grand Prix events to sit within a new Tiered Open Tournament structure


There will be a staggered approach to implementation with some initial changes happening in 23/24 season, a number of changes happening in the 24/25 season and the plan is to complete implementation in the 25/26 season. 

Below is a summary of when the new or revised competitions will be implemented: 

Competition – Implementation season

U10 – U13 National Championships2023/24 

Cadet & U17 National Championships2024/25 

Junior & U21 National Championships 2024/25 

National Series 2024/25 

U21 National Cup 2024/25 

National Club Leagues 2024/25 

Tiered Open Tournaments (partial) 2024/25 

U11 & U13 Area Team Cup 2025/26 

Tiered Open Tournaments (complete) 2025/26 


No immediate change is proposed to the formats of County Championships competitions (U15, U19, All Ages, Veterans and O60s) – a county representative league programme, which provides alternative and mixed-gender team units to supplement club structure, and a representative honour below national team level. The County Championships Committee will be engaged to consider opportunities for evolution and to deliver in a defined footprint (eg specific dates) 

The Competition Review is for nationally-regulated events; no change is proposed to local structures as a result of this review. However, the new Area network will help link locally-regulated and nationally-regulated competitions – and support more nationally-regulated tournament and league delivery at local level. 


Outline of the developed event formats with an explanation of the key detail and the role that each serves in the programme: