Ping! partnership approach
How we support you in delivering a successful project.
Ping! has got to be the right fit.
Our aim is not to parachute and force delivery, programmes need to be demand led (community need), based on insight and existing landscape and will meet shared objectives.
Whether you have been delivering Ping! in your town/city since the projects inception or a new partner delivering the programme for the first time, we want to ensure you have all the support and guidance necessary to ensure projects reach maximal potential.
Ping! can enable grant funding and subsidised activation packages to partner towns/cities, community clubs, groups and charities, to embed among a range of different audiences and tackle inequalities in participation
We encourage you to think carefully about the most important goals for your service or organisation, the audiences you aim to reach and the most appropriate Ping! approach and programmes to do so.
How to Ping your city guide
We know your organisation has ambitious goals, but finite time and resources, so we’ve curated pages and a comprehensive ‘How to Ping your city’ guide available to download, boasting a wealth of information, tools and resources to make it easier for you to deliver impactful work with less demand on your time and budget.
How we fund – expectations & agreements
We invest in pieces of work that drive down inactivity, demonstrate impact on behaviour change and steps towards a more self-sustaining future and meet wider social outcomes.
Small grant funding and Ping subsidised programmes are enabled through our partnership working, we work in partnership along two main strands, as categorised below:
An organisation operating across a large geographical area (e.g. a city, county, region or nationally) who creates internal and external networks to support in the provision of table tennis opportunities, utilising one or more of Table Tennis England’s programmes.
Lead Partners in receipt of small grant investment from Ping! utilise within an agreed project plan which meets the aims and objectives of all parties. Projects are usually large scale, meet wider social outcomes and tackle inequalities in participation. The Lead Partner is also responsible for ensuring all legal and health and safety requirements are met.
Projects tend to be reflective of local need, so we therefore offer a series of funding rounds throughout the year (March, June & October), support specific project interventions as and when they are required.
Usually a single organisation working with their internal network to engage in table tennis opportunities for its community or communities. This is done through utilising one or more of Table Tennis England’s programmes and subsidised packages (e.g. Ping in the Community or Loop at Work) outlined within these pages.
Partner support webinars present a great way to keep in regular contact and open up a forum for sharing among partners, whether best practice or particular issues/challenges (if any) you have come up against, at the end of each there will be opportunity at the end to pose any questions/share information.
Hear testimony from colleagues and partners of some recent successes with Ping!
TT Activator Training
The very first rung on the TT coaching ladder, provide learners with the opportunity to learn the rules of tables tennis, the basic technique and some fun and engaging game ideas. It will also provide some tips to ensure inclusivity, allowing everyone to participate regardless of their age, gender, health or ability.
The course takes approximately 1 hour to complete and costs £30 per person. As an additional benefit to our working in partnership we’re delighted to be able to offer the opportunity to register up to 2 people for free.
Regardless of extent of partnership or project, to keep things simple, Table Tennis England will place the equipment order on behalf of all Ping! projects. You have three opportunities per year to place an order – at the end of March, June and October to align with funding rounds.