Our brand new ice arena has a table tennis table, bats & balls all FREE to use. Go upstairs to warm up, before you cool down on the ice! It is next to the mini curling, which is also FREE!

Address: Newmarket Road, Cambridge
Open: Mondays: 12 noon -5.30pm Tuesdays/Wednesdays: 6am - 8.30pm Thursdays/Fridays: 6am - 10pm Saturdays: 6am - 11pm Sundays:6am - 3pm
Position: Upstairs
Type of Table: Rollaway
Bats & Balls: Yes – free subject to availability
Number of Tables: 1
Contact: [email protected]
More Info: https://www.better.org.uk/leisure-centre/cambridge/cambridge-ice-arena?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI4K39urvQ5QIVy7HtCh2FDgkNEAAYASAAEgLs1_D_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds
Categories: Bars and cafes, Leisure centre

Last updated: 15th February 2022