Address: Friendship Park, 182 Conniburrow Boulevard, Off Germander Place or Woodruff Ave entrances to the park, Conniburrow, Milton Keynes
MK14 7DL
Open: Open access. Thursday 18 November 2021 between 11.00 -12.00. Come and join us for a game. Everyone welcome, beginners or regular players. Bats and balls available.
Position: Rear of Park via Germander Place or Woodruff Ave entrances
Type of Table: Permanent
Bats & Balls: Yes – free subject to availability
Number of Tables: 1
Contact: Emma, em:
Events & Meetings: Free Open Session Thursday 18 November 2021 between 11.00 - 12.00. Beginners or experienced players welcome. Drop by. Bats and Balls will be available. Em: See BLC Facebook page
Categories: Outdoor tables
Useful Information: The Table is Wheelchair Accessible. Bats and balls can be borrowed from The Hub, when open, at Community Action, 34 Bramble Ave, Conniburrow, MK14 7BZ

Last updated: 15th February 2022