Anglia Ruskin University

One table located to the side of the Marconi building and are open to students, staff and the general public.

Oxsrad Inclusive Sports Centre

Wheelchair accessible table located outside the front of OXSRAD’s building. Mon – Fri 8am – 10pm Sat 8am – 5pm and Sun 9am – 4pm.

North Oxford Tennis Club

1 rollaway table

Manzil Way Gardens

Now a permanent addition to the gardens. Can be found in front of the play area.

Littlemore Hospital

Located outside Restore Littlemore Lounge cafe at Littlemore Mental Health centre. Available for staff, patients and visitors. Mon – Fri 10am – 3pm.

John Radcliffe Hospital

Please ask at Occupational Health reception if bats and balls are not out.

Hinksey Park and Outdoor Pool

Find a table in the park by the swimming pool entrance.

Florence Park

Our new Ping! table can be found next to the original playground! Please note that the existing concrete table is managed by the kiosk.

Cutteslowe Park

There are two Ping! tables in Cutteslowe Park. One is near the basketball court and the other is situated between the tennis courts and sand... Continue reading