In order to purchase a subsidised table package you must meet certain criteria.
Before you order
In alignment with our Level the Table Strategy, Table Tennis England can provide up to 50% subsidy on price listed for the full-size indoor table tennis package (only). Clubs and community venues likely to be eligible for subsidy are those with a particular emphasis on supporting people least likely to engage due to various factors such as socio-economic status, ethnicity, gender and/or disability.
If you are purchasing a Ping indoor table package, and wish to receive the 50% subsidy please complete this Application Form. If you meet the eligibility criteria, we will supply you with a unique discount code which you can apply at the point of purchase.
#LevelTheTable is Table Tennis England’s diversity and inclusion strategy, helping us achieve our overarching ambition of being a world leading National Governing Body, delivering a diverse and dynamic sport that transforms lives, connects communities and achieves excellence. Our subsidy is designed to take more table tennis opportunities into the hearts of communities most in need.
Any orders placed without prior confirmation of eligibility will be charged at the £660 specified.
NOTE : Ping in the Community subsidy applications are currently closed. Please contact us if you have any queries.
Please note Ping in the Community are not available to private individuals for home use or to schools for pupils to use. In addition, organisations can only receive a maximum of one subsidised package per location.
Ping in the Community packages
In order to be eligible for a Ping in the Community package, your project or organisation must meet the following criteria:
- The package must be available in a community based location, for example village halls, youth clubs, community centres, religious buildings, parks and open spaces, not for profit retirement homes, hospitals, not for profit leisure providers
- The package must be available for participants to access and use at least once a week, with the project running for a minimum of one year
- The package cannot be purchased to replace old, tired or worn tables and must create new or enhance existing table tennis provision
- Organisations who order a package must return monitoring and evaluation information when requested by Table Tennis England
- Your organisation must align to Table Tennis England’s commitment to equality and diversity, ensuring table tennis opportunities are inclusive and accessible to all. See our Level the Table strategy for more information
- The activity must be available to participants for free or at very low cost, not to make a profit
If you are not eligible to purchase a Ping package, please follow the links below.
Contact us for more information.