How to Ping! your town or city
Find out how your area can join the Ping! project.
What is Ping!
Ping! is the collective name for a group of Table Tennis England projects and programmes delivered with Sport England funding and support.
These projects are all designed to remove the barriers to sport and physical activity by creating an infrastructure of great places to play, and building the network of people and partners to shape people’s behaviour for years to come.
We believe table tennis has an essential role to play in creating a more active nation and building more sociable, sustainable communities.
In each town or city the project is delivered in conjunction with a lead partner (such as City Council or County Sports Partnership). These partners are committed to developing a thriving social table tennis scene and use Ping! as both a way to develop this and raise the profile of table tennis; challenging people’s preconceptions about what ping pong is, who the game is for and where it can be played.
The strands of Ping! include: new public tables, activation of existing tables, events and promotional campaigns, Ping Pong Parlours, Ping in the Community and Loop at Work.
For most towns and cities the Ping! model can be easily adapted and delivered to meet local needs with more targeted activation projects .
We welcome expressions of interest, in order for these to be considered, there needs to be council backing.
If you’d like to discuss ways to Ping! your Town or City, please get in touch.