Congratulations to four clubs who have recently been successful with applications for funding from the Queens Platinum Jubilee fund, which offers grants of £300 to £10,000 from a pot of £5 million of National Lottery funding Awards:
- Ackworth TTC – £8452
- Crewe Central TTC – £6270
- Derby Community TTC – £9600
- Flixton TTC – £4700
The awards are to help:
- inactive people get active, or less active people become more active.
- support people who may otherwise have less opportunity to be active and people living in areas of disadvantage, as defined in Indices of Multiple Deprivation areas (IMD) 1-3.
Funding received is being used to support a wide range of new activity including:
- Subsidised sessions and equipment for those less able to attend from areas of high deprivation IMD 1-3.
- Delivering women and girls only sessions that specifically encourage more women and girls to feel more comfortable getting into the sport.
- The purchase of wheelchair friendly tables offering a better experience for participants in a wheelchair.
- Increasing club capacity and partnerships with local organisations to deliver programmes, such as Bat & Chat and TT Kidz to engage with U3a, Dementia groups and local schools.
- Establishing weekend family sessions.
- Funding to support coach development to help deliver the new sessions.
- Funding for hire of venues and payment of coaches to deliver sessions.
To see further details about the fund, the funding priorities, who and what the QPJ will fund and how to apply see: Queens Platinum Jubilee Activity Fund.
As a benefit of affiliation Premier Clubs receive direct support from a dedicated Club Support Officer to help ensure your application has as much chance of success as possible. Contact us if you would like to know more about how your club can apply: [email protected].
See our Funding & Subsidies page for details of other funding opportunities.