Club chairman Farshad Shaddel is proof that you don’t need to start young to enjoy both the health benefits and competitive opportunities of table tennis.

Farshad was a recreational player during his time at medical school, but the realities of his career as a doctor, family life and moving to a new country – as he puts it, “life happened” – meant he stopped playing for more than 20 years.

He started again when his son Kiarash was aged about nine, initially as a hobby they could both enjoy, playing on a table at home.

But it was not until they joined Kidlington TTC near Oxford that their careers took off, leading to both improving their games and climbing the divisions in the local league – and Farshad even became Chairman of the club.

Now he is sharing his story via a blog, detailing the challenges and victories he has had along the way and hoping to guide others into the sport.

The blog covers everything from overcoming injuries to learning how to read serves, and from improving his movement to the drills which have helped him become a better player.

We went along to Kidlington to talk to Farshad and Kiarash, as well as club treasurer Karl Bushell, about their story and how the club is providing a pathway for players of all ages to go on a similar journey of improving their skills and – if they want – stepping into league competition.