Grosvenor Shopping Centre Ping Pong Parlour (closed currently)
Tables, bats and balls in Unit 43 of the shopping centre to allow the public to play the sport for free. The Ping Pong Parlour... Continue reading
Nicholsons Ping Pong Parlour
This Parlour in the Nicholsons Shopping Centre Maidenhead is closed currently but plans to reopen soon. For more information email us.
Church Square Ping Pong Parlour (closed currently)
This Parlour is CLOSED CURRENTLY but plans to reopen soon. For more information on when this Parlour may open again please email us.
Grosvenor Ping Pong Parlour
This Parlour is CLOSED CURRENTLY but plans to reopen soon. For more information on when this Parlour may open again please email us.
Eden Centre Ping Pong Parlour
This Parlour is closed currently but plans to reopen soon. For more information email us.
Saddlers Ping Pong Parlour
This Parlour is CLOSED CURRENTLY but plans to reopen soon. For more information on when this Parlour may open again please email us.
Kingfisher Ping Pong Parlour
FREE Ping Pong Parlour at Kingfisher Shopping Centre, Redditch