
Pitchford beaten by Chinese ace

Liam Pitchford's interest in the inaugural WTT GRand Smash in Singapore was ended by China's Wang Chuqin in the last 32 today.

March 13, 2022 | Paul Stimpson

Pitchford through first Grand Smash test

Liam Pitchford's first WTT Grand Smash match ended in victory over Paraguay's Marcelo Aguirre in Singapore today.

March 11, 2022 | Paul Stimpson

Walker beaten in first Grand Smash match

Sam Walker's first experience of the WTT Grand Smash ended in defeat in a deciding game to Iran's Amir Hossein Hodaei in Singapore today.

March 9, 2022 | Paul Stimpson

Trio ready to play their part in Smash launch

Liam Pitchford, Sam Walker and umpire Tom Purcell are the English representatives as a new era of international table tennis gets under way today with the start of the WTT Singapore Smash.

March 7, 2022 | Paul Stimpson
Team England

Pitchford out of Top 16 to focus on injury recovery

Liam Pitchford will miss the Europe Top 16 in Montreux at the weekend as he continues his recovery from a knee injury.

February 22, 2022 | Paul Stimpson