A message from our CEO, Adrian Christy

Members will be aware from previous communication that Table Tennis England is bidding to stage the World Team Table Tennis Championships 2026, in London, and significant progress has been made to realise this aspiration that would see the ITTF celebrate its centenary in the city where international table tennis was formally born and where the first World Championships took place.

On 3 August, we had a very positive virtual inspection from the ITTF, and on 20 August, we leave for the ITTF Summit and AGM in Bangkok where we will present our bid to the Member Associations on the evening of 23 August together with Thailand who are also seeking to host the Championships in 2026.

The decision will be announced during the AGM on 24 August after all voting has been concluded.

We are very excited at the prospect of hosting the best players in the world at the iconic OVO Arena, Wembley, and the wider global table tennis family, during such a special year for our sport.

I am also extremely energised by the opportunity these Championships present to inspire and excite more people to play table tennis, to watch and to engage with the sport in this country.